Healthcare provider discussing staffing strategy with a representative from Fidelis Healthcare.

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, effective staffing is crucial to ensure high standards of patient care, maintain operational efficiency, and avoid staff burnout. Healthcare providers increasingly rely on staffing agencies, such as Fidelis Healthcare, to fill temporary gaps with skilled nurses and carers. However, to fully leverage the benefits of working with a healthcare staffing agency, clients must adopt a strategic approach.

Fidelis Healthcare specialises in providing temporary staffing solutions, offering healthcare organisations flexibility and access to a pool of highly qualified professionals. But simply using an agency to fill short-term roles is only part of the equation. With a well-planned strategy, healthcare providers can maximise the advantages of their partnership with a staffing agency, ensuring they meet both immediate and long-term staffing needs.

Here are several actionable steps healthcare organisations can take to make the most of their relationship with Fidelis Healthcare.

Develop Clear Communication Channels

One of the most critical aspects of a successful partnership with a healthcare staffing agency is maintaining open and clear communication. Whether you need a single carer for an immediate shift or a team of nurses to cover a busy period, effective communication ensures that the agency understands your specific needs.

Set Expectations Early

From the outset, be clear about the qualifications, experience, and soft skills you require in temporary staff. Providing detailed job descriptions helps Fidelis Healthcare find the most suitable candidates quickly, reducing the time it takes to fill roles and ensuring that the staff provided are well-suited to your needs.

Actionable Tip:

Create a standardised briefing template for your staffing requirements. This should include the skills, experience level, and any additional preferences, such as familiarity with specific medical software or working within a certain type of healthcare setting. Sharing this with your agency at the start of your partnership will streamline communication and prevent any misunderstandings.

Keep the Agency Updated on Your Staffing Changes

Healthcare staffing needs can fluctuate rapidly, particularly during peak seasons or in response to unexpected events. Keeping Fidelis Healthcare informed of any upcoming changes to your staffing requirements—such as planned staff holidays, maternity leave, or expected seasonal surges—allows the agency to be proactive in sourcing appropriate staff ahead of time.

Actionable Tip:

Establish a regular communication routine with your staffing agency, such as monthly or quarterly check-ins, to discuss upcoming staffing needs and review any areas where improvements can be made. Regular communication ensures that staffing solutions are always aligned with your organisation’s evolving needs.

Plan for Peak Times and Unexpected Demands

One of the key benefits of working with a healthcare staffing agency is the flexibility to meet fluctuating demands. While it’s impossible to predict every staffing requirement, certain times of the year are consistently busier than others, such as flu season or holiday periods.

Create a Contingency Plan

A well-thought-out contingency plan that anticipates peaks in patient numbers or staff shortages can make all the difference in maintaining care standards. By working closely with Fidelis Healthcare, you can ensure that a pool of trained temporary staff is readily available during these times, reducing the risk of burnout among your permanent staff.

Actionable Tip:

Use historical data to identify periods when your facility typically experiences staff shortages or high patient demand. Share this data with your staffing agency so they can have candidates ready to fill those gaps before they arise. This proactive approach ensures you have the staff you need when you need them most.

Leverage the Expertise of Your Staffing Agency

Fidelis Healthcare not only provides staffing solutions but also has in-depth knowledge of the healthcare labour market. By leveraging this expertise, you can make more informed decisions about staffing strategies, workforce planning, and even regulatory compliance.

Seek Advice on Best Staffing Practices

A good staffing agency can offer insights into how to structure your temporary staffing in a way that enhances efficiency and reduces costs. For example, you might explore the benefits of scheduling longer-term temporary contracts for key roles or establishing a pool of ‘on-call’ temporary staff who are familiar with your facility.

Actionable Tip:

Ask Fidelis Healthcare for guidance on staffing strategies that could improve your operational efficiency. This could include advice on shift scheduling, balancing temporary and permanent staff, or the benefits of recruiting from specific talent pools such as overseas nurses.

Prioritise Integration of Temporary Staff

Temporary staff may only be with your organisation for a short period, but their ability to integrate smoothly into your team is essential for maintaining a high standard of care. Many healthcare facilities struggle with the challenge of integrating temporary staff into established teams, which can affect both morale and care quality.

Create a Streamlined Onboarding Process

To maximise the effectiveness of temporary staff, ensure they have access to all the tools, resources, and support they need from day one. This includes a comprehensive induction that covers your facility’s protocols, software systems, and team structure. A streamlined onboarding process enables temporary staff to hit the ground running and reduces the risk of disruptions in patient care.

Actionable Tip:

Develop a ‘quick guide’ or checklist that temporary staff can use on their first day. This could include important contact numbers, an overview of your facility’s layout, and any key protocols they need to follow. Providing temporary staff with this information in advance allows them to become effective members of the team more quickly.

Foster Team Inclusion

In addition to logistical onboarding, temporary staff should feel like valued members of the team. Ensuring that your permanent staff welcome and support temporary workers can foster a more collaborative environment. Simple actions like team introductions, assigning a mentor, or including temporary staff in team briefings can make a significant difference in their experience.

Actionable Tip:

Encourage team leaders to take an active role in integrating temporary staff into their teams. This might involve assigning a ‘buddy’ to each temporary worker, who can provide informal support and guidance throughout their shift.

Monitor and Review Performance

To ensure the best outcomes from your temporary staffing arrangements, it’s important to monitor and evaluate the performance of the temporary staff provided by Fidelis Healthcare. This not only helps to maintain high standards but also provides valuable feedback to the agency for future placements.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Feedback is a two-way street. While Fidelis Healthcare carefully vets its staff, your insight into how they perform in your specific environment is invaluable. Providing constructive feedback—both positive and negative—allows the agency to better understand your needs and make more tailored placements in the future.

Actionable Tip:

After each temporary placement, take a few minutes to review the staff member’s performance. Create a feedback system where supervisors can quickly note down key observations on the individual’s strengths and any areas for improvement. Sharing this feedback with Fidelis Healthcare will help ensure more precise matches for future roles.

Review Staffing Agency Performance

In addition to reviewing individual staff, it’s also beneficial to periodically assess your overall relationship with the staffing agency. Are your needs being met promptly? Are the staff provided meeting your expectations? A periodic review helps to fine-tune the relationship and ensures that the agency continues to align with your operational goals.

Actionable Tip:

Schedule a formal review meeting with Fidelis Healthcare once or twice a year. Use this time to discuss how the partnership is working, address any concerns, and explore opportunities for improvement in service delivery or staffing strategies.

Ensure Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Healthcare staffing is heavily regulated, and temporary staff must meet the same stringent requirements as permanent employees. Ensuring that all regulatory and compliance standards are met is essential to protecting both patients and the reputation of your facility.

Rely on the Agency’s Expertise in Compliance

One of the benefits of working with Fidelis Healthcare is their deep understanding of the regulatory landscape. Trust the agency to manage background checks, certifications, and legal requirements for all temporary staff, but remain proactive in ensuring that these standards are upheld.

Actionable Tip:

Ask Fidelis Healthcare to provide documentation verifying the compliance of temporary staff with regulatory requirements, such as right-to-work checks, training certifications, and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. Keeping these records up-to-date ensures that your facility remains compliant.

Maximising the benefits of working with a healthcare staffing agency like Fidelis Healthcare requires more than simply filling shifts on short notice. By fostering open communication, planning for future staffing needs, and creating a supportive environment for temporary workers, healthcare providers can enhance the efficiency and quality of their staffing solutions.

Fidelis Healthcare’s expertise in temporary staffing offers healthcare providers the flexibility to respond to fluctuating demands, ensuring continuity of care and operational excellence. By taking a strategic approach to your partnership, you can fully leverage the benefits of temporary staffing and create a sustainable staffing model that supports both your workforce and your patients.


How can healthcare providers better communicate their staffing needs to an agency?
Healthcare providers can streamline communication by using standardised briefing templates for staffing requests and scheduling regular check-ins with their staffing agency.

What is the best way to integrate temporary staff into a healthcare team?
Providing temporary staff with a clear onboarding process, offering mentorship, and fostering team inclusion are key strategies to ensure effective integration.

How can healthcare organisations anticipate staffing shortages?
Using historical data to identify trends in staffing shortages can help healthcare providers work proactively with their staffing agency to ensure the right staff are available during peak times.

What role does feedback play in working with a staffing agency?
Providing regular feedback on temporary staff performance helps the agency refine future placements and ensure more accurate matches with your organisation’s needs.

How can Fidelis Healthcare help with compliance issues in temporary staffing?
Fidelis Healthcare manages all necessary background checks, certifications, and legal requirements, ensuring that temporary staff meet the same regulatory standards as permanent employees.

What should healthcare providers consider when reviewing their relationship with a staffing agency?
Healthcare providers should assess the agency’s responsiveness, quality of staff provided, and alignment with their operational goals during regular review meetings.

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